
I love to catalyze uncommon conversations that help people everywhere discover their place in God’s story. Join me!

Flapjack Friday: On Fount Coffee + Kitchen, An Essential Place

Flapjack Friday: On Fount Coffee + Kitchen, An Essential Place


As things take on a new sense of “normal,” I have found myself reflecting on those little moments in the midst of the COVID churn that served as an oasis from the craziness. Did you ever feel like you just needed to do something to reset the fog, to bring into the foreground some sense of the familiar?

When I needed an escape I often found my way to Fount Coffee + Kitchen—a hip coffee shop in the Research Triangle. I so appreciate their friendly and welcoming staff—even in the midst of the chaos, they created a sense of place and community. Their always fresh and always yummy coffee and gluten free eats (my favorite is their GF chocolatey, cinnamony coffee cake) make it an inviting place for me and my friends to meet.

Once the shop was able to partially open, limited indoor and outdoor seating was made available. So, over the course of the winter months I met several of my friends there—sometimes we sat outside in the cold or under an umbrella in the rain. In the spring we shielded ourselves from blustery winds and welcomed the springtime sun.

What about you, were there places that provided a sense of place or peace for you over the past year?

No matter the weather, Fount always provides a lovely environment, great coffee and the perfect place to escape the COVID churn. If you live in the area and have not tried Fount Coffee + Kitchen, let me know and I will meet you there!

Gospel Conversations Reimagined: Listening for the Music of the Gospel From the Beginning

Gospel Conversations Reimagined: Listening for the Music of the Gospel From the Beginning

Selah Summer: What are you looking for?

Selah Summer: What are you looking for?