Cas Monaco

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Flapjack Friday: On My Favorite Essential Persons

Meet Abbey Blake, my favorite hair stylist and really good friend. For the past several years we have spent at least two hours together every four weeks. She is a professional and excellent at her job and I’m so thankful for her and her skills.

From a selfish standpoint, I have always considered Abbey an “essential” person, but this past year has taken “essential” to a whole new level.

Abbey is a small business owner, so the shutdown last spring affected her livelihood—yet, despite these challenges—she provided a way for her customers to purchase products online from businesses other than her own. Then, once things finally opened up, the COVID restrictions required her to run her business in new ways in order to protect her customers and herself. She is a new mom, so returning to work required (and continues to require) risk and sacrifice on her part. Through it all, Abbey has remained a courageous, flexible and joy-filled professional and leader.

Thank you Abbey for serving me during the Crazy COVID Churn!