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Flapjack Friday: On My Favorite Essential Persons

Flapjack Friday: On My Favorite Essential Persons


Essential (adjective): absolutely necessary; indispensable

Over the past twelve months we have all learned the deeper meaning behind “essential workers.” We have witnessed and have experienced, first hand, the willing sacrifices made by thousands of men and women in the healthcare field. I am increasingly grateful for these faithful people who serve us behind the scenes and on the front lines. So, from time-to-time I will highlight the essential people in my life beginning with Sonia, Phlebotomist and Lab Technician Extraordinaire.

I met Sonia just before Christmas during a few routine visits to the doctor. Despite the COVID protocols that tend to create all kinds of distance, Sonia was brimming with a sense of warmth and kindness—almost like she was a friend. So, a few weeks later, just before my doctor appointment, I left a thank you note for her at the front desk as a small token of gratitude, and before I even had time to find my place in the waiting room, Sonia was ushering me into her lab—not for another blood draw, but for a little conversation. She took the opportunity while between patients to thank me for thanking her! In those few minutes we spent together, I learned that she conquered her fear of blood and needles in order to pursue her career and that for the past twenty years, she has purposed to create an environment where people who come through her door feel cared for, encouraged and hopeful.

What a privilege to meet people like Sonia—a beautiful expression of essential. Take time to thank your favorite essential person today.

Gospel Conversations Reimagined: The True Story of the Whole World, Restoration/Re-creation

Gospel Conversations Reimagined: The True Story of the Whole World, Restoration/Re-creation

Gospel Conversations Reimagined: The True Story of the Whole World, Redemption

Gospel Conversations Reimagined: The True Story of the Whole World, Redemption