
I love to catalyze uncommon conversations that help people everywhere discover their place in God’s story. Join me!

Wisdom Conviction Podcast: Sharing the Good News, Part 1

Wisdom Conviction Podcast: Sharing the Good News, Part 1

I was recently interviewed on the Winsome Conviction Podcast and I am excited to share Part 1 of this meaningful gospel conversation with you today! Click here for direct access to Winsome Conviction Podcast or below to listen.

Flapjack Friday: Like Honey on My Lips, The Sweet & The Sting of God's Word

Flapjack Friday: Like Honey on My Lips, The Sweet & The Sting of God's Word

The True Story of the Whole World: God, Pink Flamingos, and Ordinary People Like Us

The True Story of the Whole World: God, Pink Flamingos, and Ordinary People Like Us