
I love to catalyze uncommon conversations that help people everywhere discover their place in God’s story. Join me!

Flapjack Friday: On Throwing A Punch

Flapjack Friday: On Throwing A Punch


I started working out at Warrior’s Playground the same year that I started seminary. I knew I needed to get in physical shape in order to bear up under a backpack full of books, a computer and my purse! I chose Warrior’s Playground because it was nearby, locally owned and operated, and catered to any age. When I learned that boxing was offered once a week, I immediately signed up. Barrett, the owner/trainer, hesitated (and might have stifled a laugh), “I don’t know if you’re aggressive enough.” Honestly, that was all the challenge I needed, and I have been boxing ever since.

Admittedly, I do not fit the boxer profile. I am (very) uncoordinated and not very strong but I stepped out of my comfort zone and learned to throw a few punches—the jab, cross, hook and uppercut. It is great stress-reliever too. I can confidently say, I am stronger now than when I started (which, honestly, is not saying much!)

Warrior’s Playground is now #thehomewarrior due to COVID-19. Barrett, the best trainer ever, now delivers new equipment to my door every four weeks—including Mitt Man! Yes, I have been boxing in my entryway for the past two weeks and I am in better shape than ever.


Gospel Conversations Reimagined: The True Story of the Whole World, Creation

Gospel Conversations Reimagined: The True Story of the Whole World, Creation

Gospel Conversations Reimagined: The True Story of the Whole World & Why Truth Matters

Gospel Conversations Reimagined: The True Story of the Whole World & Why Truth Matters